18 FEB 2021 by ideonexus
Newton on Why There is a God
As to your first query, it seems to me that if the matter of our sun and planets
and all the matter of the universe were evenly scattered throughout all the heavens,
and every particle had an innate gravity toward all the rest, and the whole space
throughout which this matter was scattered was but finite, the matter on the outside
of this space would, by its gravity, tend toward all the matter on the inside and, by
consequence, fall down into the middle of the whole space and there compose on...Interesting for how it portrays his understanding of the cosmos and matter.
10 MAR 2017 by ideonexus
Intelligent Plant Life
On certain small planets, drenched with light and heat from a near or a great sun, evolution took a very different course from that with which we are familiar. The vegetable and animal functions were not separated into distinct organic types. Every organism was at once animal and vegetable.
Many species, of course, developed predatory habits, and special organs of offense, such as muscular boughs as strong as pythons for constriction, or talons, horns, and formidable serrated pincers. In the...05 MAR 2015 by ideonexus
We Have the Power to Accelerate Things to Near the Speed ...
Six years ago, in the distant Trisolaran stellar system, Trisolaris accelerated two hydrogen nuclei to near the speed of light and shot them toward the solar system. These two hydrogen nuclei, or protons, arrived at the solar system two years ago, then reached the Earth.Folksonomies: space travel speed of light
Folksonomies: space travel speed of light
Something to consider.
30 JAN 2015 by ideonexus